[Disclaimer: This is written on the advice of a book I'm reading, that talks of forcing yourself to write, even if you don't think you have anything interesting write. It almost strays into my older, icky blog-writing style where the posts were almost journal entries. That is all.]
For non-dance parties, I have a better time. It's just a matter of jumping from different groups. As a freshman, I tried to get to know different people by staying longer at the dinning hall and jumping each time the group I was with left. From what I can tell, it worked out fairly well: many people on campus still shout "Xander!!!" if they see me. Sometimes I find myself thinking "How do I know you?" But that's beside the point. I think this is what I do at non-dance parties; yet I cannot remember a recent non-dance party to which I have been recently. Hmmm...
Well, to sum up this overlong, unnecessarily personal article, it's all about a good starting point. From that starting point, then I work my way around the building, saying the necessary "hellos" and "how's life"s. Then its just a matter of dancing until it's over.