In addition to this blog, I've started two others for specific topics, as I am inspired to write about them.
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Literature all the Time!
---- In my first blog, I attempt a more general approach to literature. Or, I apply analysis that looks at the works from different angles. Here, I hope to write more detailed analyses of literature. It may not interest everyone, so I've started this blog for this specific purpose.
A Word about the Word
---- Similarly to the above blog, I started this because the topic may not interest everyone. Also, I am sure that some of my readers do not share the same beliefs as I do, whether they differ completely or run by a different theological system.
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Surprise of surprises! I joined up with another blog!
Sega Junkyard
---- The fine fellows at this blog specialize in lore, stories, and review surrounding Sega's final entry into the hardware game. I've only written a few articles for them so far, but you should definitely check out their stuff too!
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B Sharp Major General
---- After months of indecision and inability, I finally posted my first video on YouTube. Check out my channel!
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