After finding some map pieces and whatnot, the traditional three-thing quest to power/get the sword has begun. Visit a dragon, grab some special water, and go back. Now I'm expecting the dragon to give me the flame I need to use on the sword. Nope. He directs me to another dungeon.
Thrown in there somewhere is a battle with the weird armless Imprisoned and a trip into the Thunderhead.
Anyway, in order to progress, Link (whom I named Zelda... hee hee) must complete a trial. This trial involves sneaking around a spirit-y version of Faron Woods known as the Silent Realm. Complicating this are the Guardians who can one-hit-kill you and make you start over again. No fear, however, for the Tears of Farore will make the Guardians pause for 90 seconds.
I know it's nothing like Metal Gear Solid, but I couldn't help thinking that familiar tune as I attempted to gather the tears unnoticed. In my first run, I got all but one of the 15 tears, only to get hit by a Guardian. It was a little frustrating.
However, that's not the main reason I'm writing now. I instead want to point out a connection. A connections so amazing, you'll wonder why you never heard about it before. (Well, maybe you have. I thought it was cool when I saw it, so I'm going to share.)
(Spoilers for both games are to follow, so watch out if you haven't played either.)
Skyward Sword prefigures a major plot point of Link Between Worlds. How does this work?
As I was making my way through the Skyview Temple, one of the switches caught my eye. From what I can tell, they're called "crystal switches." Hitting them unlocks whatever and deforms the original structure. This is what one looks like before you strike it:
OK, so what? |
Of course it's just a slight visual connection between the two games. That still doesn't stop me from saying "They knew!" every time I see one. Anyway, if I were to compare games it would be between this game and Wind Waker. I think.
The point is: THEY KNEWWWWW!!!
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