Monday, July 7, 2014

Gaming Chronicles - Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Metal Gear Spirit?

I've been playing more Skyward Sword recently. I have to admit, the flying mechanic does take a little bit too long sometimes. Wind Waker at least gave you a song to warp between places. One nice thing is that you can go from the sky to whatever bird statues you've interacted with.

After finding some map pieces and whatnot, the traditional three-thing quest to power/get the sword has begun. Visit a dragon, grab some special water, and go back. Now I'm expecting the dragon to give me the flame I need to use on the sword. Nope. He directs me to another dungeon.

Thrown in there somewhere is a battle with the weird armless Imprisoned and a trip into the Thunderhead.

Anyway, in order to progress, Link (whom I named Zelda... hee hee) must complete a trial. This trial involves sneaking around a spirit-y version of Faron Woods known as the Silent Realm. Complicating this are the Guardians who can one-hit-kill you and make you start over again. No fear, however, for the Tears of Farore will make the Guardians pause for 90 seconds.

I know it's nothing like Metal Gear Solid, but I couldn't help thinking that familiar tune as I attempted to gather the tears unnoticed. In my first run, I got all but one of the 15 tears, only to get hit by a Guardian. It was a little frustrating.

However, that's not the main reason I'm writing now. I instead want to point out a connection. A connections so amazing, you'll wonder why you never heard about it before. (Well, maybe you have. I thought it was cool when I saw it, so I'm going to share.)

(Spoilers for both games are to follow, so watch out if you haven't played either.)

Skyward Sword prefigures a major plot point of Link Between Worlds. How does this work?

As I was making my way through the Skyview Temple, one of the switches caught my eye. From what I can tell, they're called "crystal switches." Hitting them unlocks whatever and deforms the original structure. This is what one looks like before you strike it:

OK, so what?
It's what could be a simple three-dimensional version of the Triforce. Normally, this wouldn't have caught my attention. However, I've played and loved A Link Between Worlds. The central item(s) of focus is the Triforce and its absent Lorule equivalent.

Of course it's just a slight visual connection between the two games. That still doesn't stop me from saying "They knew!" every time I see one. Anyway, if I were to compare games it would be between this game and Wind Waker. I think.

The point is: THEY KNEWWWWW!!!

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